Supernova 2001cy in UGC 11927

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 2001cy in UGC 11927 Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main page.  Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the updates and links web pages.

sn01cy_i.gif Yet another LOTOSS discovery. This one is a nice face on galaxy. There is a star with a very high proper motion nearby. We have a DSS Photometry reference image made by Odd Trondal. Icon created from the LOTOSS discovery image.

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "observer" column to see the image. Times and dates are in UT unless otherwise noted. If you know of any others, please tell me!
Image CreditDateMagFilterComments
LOTOSS image 2001/06/30.516.3CDiscovery
Rafael Ferrando image 2001/07/08.10116.0CR
Josep M. Bosch image 2001/07/11.14C
Horvath, Tuboly image 2001/07/12C
Gianluca Masi image 2001/07/13.023C
Mike O'Connor image 2001/07/15.24716.1C
Enrico Prosperi image 2001/07/23.944C local mirror
J Nicolas image 2001/07/22.015C
Odd Trondal image 2001/08/01.99917.0:C
Enrico Prosperi image 2001/08/11.93416.9C
J. Serant image 2001/08/13.13017.3
D Lefoulon image 2001/09/14.9817.4CR

If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to Use this VSNet data query to see what information has been reported so far.
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David Bishop
Last modified: Tue Sep 18 12:47:39 EDT 2001