Supernova 2007av in NGC 3279

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 2007av in NGC 3279.   Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main page.  Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the updates and links web pages.

sn07av_i.jpg Discovered by Ron Arbour (UK).   It didn't take long for me to get enough images to create a web page.   This one is a type II, found a few days after the explosion.   We have a DSS Photometry reference image made by Odd Trondal.  Icon generated from the Itagaki image.   This supernova is in the Constellation Leo.

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "Image Credit" column to see the image. Times and dates are in UT unless otherwise noted. If you know of any others, please tell me!
Image CreditDateMagFilterComments
Ron Arbour 2007/03/13.976CDiscovery mirror
David Briggs 2007/03/20.87315.2RConfirmation
Koichi Itagaki 2007/03/21.542C
Ron Arbour 2007/03/21.83115.5Cmirror
Denis Buczynski 2007/03/22.845Cmirror
Marc Serrau 2007/03/22.88415.5CR
José Hernandez 2007/03/23.01215.38CR
CSP/LCO UpdatedC
Taurus Hill Obs 2007/03/23.757C
JM Llapasset 2007/03/24.81815.2CRmirror
Odd Trondal 2007/03/24.846C
Maciej Reszelski 2007/03/25.947CR
Lorenzo Franco 2007/03/27.862C
Joel Nicolas 2007/03/27.90815.0CR
Dave Storey 2007/03/31.925Cmirror
Dave Storey 2007/04/03.940C
Luís Ramalho 2007/04/03.96914.13C
Ron Arbour 2007/04/04.840C
José Hernandez 2007/04/05.48315.8CR
Paolo Corelli 2007/04/05.78615.4V
Remanzacco Obs 2007/04/05.90C
Dave Storey 2007/04/05.974C
Ron Arbour 2007/04/07.841C
Martin Mobberley 2007/04/07.903C
Albert Sànchez 2007/04/08.85315.79CR
Denis Buczynski 2007/04/08.875C
Ron Arbour 2007/04/11.816C
Salomon Ibarra Chavez 2007/04/13.805C
Quentin. D 2007/04/13.96513.3R
Dave Storey 2007/04/14.915C
JM Llapasset 2007/04/19.83015.7CRmirror
José Hernandez 2007/04/19.96616.2CR
Ron Arbour 2007/04/20.949C
Joel Nicolas 2007/04/23.84216.0R
Dave Storey 2007/05/03.980C
JB de Vanssay 2007/05/01.85716.3CR
Ron Arbour 2007/05/02.823C
Ron Arbour 2007/05/04.837C
Rodrigo Losada 2007/05/14.93716.4CR
David Storey 2007/05/23.96117.1V

If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to SNWeb. Use this data query to see what information has been reported so far.
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David Bishop