Supernova 2007gr in NGC 1058

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 2007gr in NGC 1058.   Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main page.  Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the updates and links web pages.

sn07gr_i.jpg Discovered by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (USA).   This is a type Ib/c found very young.   It is between two foreground stars, so check carefully.   We have a DSS Photometry reference image made by Odd Trondal.  Icon generated from the K. Itagaki image.   This supernova is in the Constellation Perseus.

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "Image Credit" column to see the image. Times and dates are in UT unless otherwise noted. If you know of any others, please tell me!
Image CreditDateMagFilterComments
Hidetoshi Noguchi 2007/08/13.67114.5CPrediscovery
K. Itagaki 2007/08/14.76614.5CPrediscovery
LOSS 2007/08/15.5113.8CDiscovery
Martin Nicholson 2007/08/15.51C
K. Itagaki 2007/08/15.72513.9C
Martin Nicholson 2007/08/16.4713.5V
Diego Rodriguez 2007/08/17.08213.36C
Grzegorz Duszanowicz 2007/08/18.03713.2C
Pasel Turek 2007/08/18.9413.1CR
Bernd Gaehrken 2007/08/19.017Cw/animated GIF
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/08/19.12113.0CRmirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/08/19.13012.6Imirror
Lode Stevens 2007/08/19.198C
Iiro Sairanen 2007/08/20.031Cdrawing
Rodrigo Losada 2007/08/20.12513.3C
Marko Kämäräinen 2007/08/20.40C
Markku Nissinen 2007/08/20.912C
William Wiethoff 2007/08/25C
Paolo Corelli 2007/08/27.87412.9V
Enrico Prosperi 2007/08/27.96213.03C
Enrico Prosperi 2007/09/02.01213.24C
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/05.15612.7:CRmirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/05.16112.3Imirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/05.16312.6Rcmirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/05.16513.0Vmirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/06.18813.9Bmirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/06.17613.1CRmirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/06.18512.9Rcmirror
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/09/06.18613.1Vmirror
Darkside Obs 2007/09/07.014C
Enrico Prosperi 2007/09/07.99613.59CR
Enrico Prosperi 2007/09/08.04313.61CR
CROSS 2007/09/08C
Jean-Benoit de Vanssay 2007/09/11.13813.6CR
Gary Clinch 2007/09/13.208C
Darkside Obs 2007/09/15.9313.55Ccolor
Jose Hernandez 2007/09/16.13613.48R
Adrian Sonka 2007/10/01.841V
Jean Marie Llapasset 2007/10/21.80314.9CRmirror
Joaquín Sánchez 2007/10/20.86613.74CR
Marc Serrau 2007/10/18.86914.6CR
Adrian Sonka 2007/10/31.971C
Daniel J. Mendicini 2007/11/05.51613.52CR
Vince Tuboly 2007/11/06.795RC
Markus Bütikofer VariousRCcolor Wow!
Vince Tuboly 2007/12/04.812C
Jose Hernandez 2008/01/13.89315.39C

If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to SNWeb. Use this data query to see what information has been reported so far.
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David Bishop