2010 Supernova Boneyard

Welcome to the Boneyard.   On this page you will find entries for objects that have been confirmed as Cataclysmic variables, asteriods (otherwise known as Vermin of the sky), or some other non extragalactic event.   Why keep them around? Because you never know when something like this will come back to life...

AT2010mg, TNS discovered 2010/08/27.000 by Galaxy Zoo at R.A. = 02h47m28s.762, Decl. = +67°58'16".02 Mag 14.1:8/27, Type CV

2010db, CBET 2290 discovered 2010/05/15.923 by MASTER robotic Net
Found in PGC 1895764 at R.A. = 18h26m09s.27, Decl. = +30°14'12".6
Located 3".5 west and 1".5 south of the center of PGC 1895764 (Discovery image) (Paolo Corelli image) (Joseph Brimacombe image) (Francisco Centenera/NTO image) (Ramon Naves image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Joel Nicolas image) (Rafael Benavides image) (Rafael Benavides image) (JM Llapasset image) (Rafael Benavides image)
Mag 16.6 (15.2), Type star (high proper motion star) (FAST sectrum) (References: CBET 2312)

old_2010O, CBET 2143 discovered 2010/01/23.87 by Alessandro Dimai and F. Martinelli (CROSS)
Found in IC 356 at R.A. = 04h07m47s.27, Decl. = +69°48'47".0
Located 2".6 east and 1".3 north of the center of IC 356 (Discovery image) (Confirmation image)
Mag 15.2, Type Foreground Star (References: CBET 2144)

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David Bishop