Supernova discovery statistics for 2017

These are supernova stastics for the year 2017. If there are other statistics you are interested in, please let me know.
Page re-generated at: 2024/09/13.678 UT

For the year 2017, 8297 supernovae and 92 extragalactic novae were reported.
819 of these supernovae were named by TNS,
6811 were given possible supernova designations,
and 667 were not reported to TNS.
143 supernovae were found in NGC/IC galaxies, 5809 were found in named galaxies
277 objects were discovered by amateurs
3 were brighter than 13th Magnitude
114 were brighter than 16th Magnitude
1097 were brighter than 18th Magnitude
746 Type I supernovae were found
  678 Type Ia
    1 Type Ia-02cx
    12 Type Ia-91bg
    33 Type Ia-91T
    4 Type Ia-pec
  25 Type Ib
    4 Type Ibn
    1 Type Ib-pec
  34 Type Ic
    0 Type Icn
    8 Type Ic-pec
  7 Type SLSN-I
218 Type II supernovae were found
  31 Type IIn
  31 Type IIP
  19 Type IIb
  0 Type IIL
  3 Type SLSN-II
  4 Type II-pec
4 LBV (supernova impostors) were found
462 were not supernovae or Extragalactic novae.
6849 were untyped
Of the 92 novae that were reported  49 were reported to TNS and 43 were not
  19 were given official names by TNS
  45 were found in M31
  21 were found in M81
  1 were found in M33
  63 were untyped

3376 objects were discovered by PS1 (prof) (AT2017jyr)
1921 objects were discovered by Gaia (prof) (AT2017jya)
1034 objects were discovered by ATLAS (prof) (AT2017kac)
 587 objects were discovered by PTF (prof) (AT2017bxn)
 530 objects were discovered by CRTS (prof) (MLS171230:160606+402635)
 191 objects were discovered by ASAS-SN (prof) (2018bq)
 143 objects were discovered by OGLE (prof) (AT2017jfe)
 111 objects were discovered by Dark Energy Survey (prof) (DES17C3gyp)
  75 objects were discovered by Galaxy Zoo (AT2017khs)
  60 objects were discovered by PMO-Tsinghua Supernova Survey (PTSS) (prof) (AT2017jer)
  59 objects were discovered by SkyMapper (prof) (AT2017gpp)
  46 objects were discovered by MASTER (prof) (2017jyl)
  30 objects were discovered by Tim Puckett, Jack Newton, et al. (2017jmk)
  28 objects were discovered by TNTS (prof) (AT2017jbe)
  22 objects were discovered by Kamil Hornoch et al. (Nova M81 2017-12b?)
  22 objects were discovered by SPitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients Survey (prof) (SPIRITS17qm)
  18 objects were discovered by Italian Supernovae Search Project (2017jdn)
  15 objects were discovered by Stu Parker (2017hxt)
  14 objects were discovered by Koichi Itagaki (AT2018A)
  11 objects were discovered by DLT40 (prof) (2017gmr)
  10 objects were discovered by HSC (AT2017fej)
  10 objects were discovered by S.C. Williams et al. (Nova M81 2017-12e)
   9 objects were discovered by XOSS (2017ixe)
   8 objects were discovered by LOSS (prof) (2017hta)
   5 objects were discovered by Emmanuel Conseil (Nova M31 2017-12c?)
   4 objects were discovered by Deeper, Wider, Faster (DWF) program (prof) (2017bej)
   3 objects were discovered by George Carey (AT2017ixs)
   3 objects were discovered by Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima (AT2017ilm)
   3 objects were discovered by P. Cacella (AT2017evd)
   3 objects were discovered by Ron Arbour (AT2017ims)
   3 objects were discovered by SUNBIRD (AT2017jzy)
   2 objects were discovered by Berto Monard (AT2017iqk)
   2 objects were discovered by Blaz Mikuz (2017hiq)
   2 objects were discovered by Giancarlo Cortini (2017ixv)
   2 objects were discovered by J. Vales (AT2017awv)
   2 objects were discovered by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek (2017gtd)
   2 objects were discovered by Patrick Wiggins (2017iro)
   1 objects were discovered by Antarctic Transient Survey (ATS) (prof) (2017fbq)
   1 objects were discovered by Denis Denisenko (AT2017axd)
   1 objects were discovered by G. Sala et al. (Nova M81 2017-01a)
   1 objects were discovered by Grzegorz Duszanowicz, Michal Zolnowski (RANSSP) (2017A)
   1 objects were discovered by HST (prof) (Amos)
   1 objects were discovered by Herman Mikuz (AT2017aue)
   1 objects were discovered by K. C. Chambers et al. (Nova M81 2017-04c?)
   1 objects were discovered by Kunihiro Shima (2017B)
   1 objects were discovered by Médéric Boquien, Dalya Baron, Lluís Galbany, Dovi Poznanski (AT2017boa)
   1 objects were discovered by Marco Russiani (2017gfh)
   1 objects were discovered by Martin Henze et al. (prof) (Nova M31 2017-11d?)
   1 objects were discovered by Pat Pearl (2017ixh)
   1 objects were discovered by Roberto De Lorenzo (AT2017ixb)
   1 objects were discovered by SKYS (2017jzk)
   1 objects were discovered by STARGATE (2017htp)
   1 objects were discovered by SWIFT (prof) (2017iuk)
   1 objects were discovered by Stanislav Maticic (2017nx)
   1 objects were discovered by Swope SN Survey (2017gfo)

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