Supernovae 2024exw in NGC 4192A

This page is devoted to information on Supernova 2024exw in NGC 4192A.   Basic information on this SN, including the last reported brightness, on this Supernova can be found on the main page.   Information on the original web pages for many of these images can be found on the links web page.

image Discovered by Koichi Itagaki (Japan).   This one is a Type II.   This supernova is in the Constellation Coma Berenices near M98.

The following is a list of images of this SN, in chronological order. Click on the name in the "Image Credit" column to see the image. Times and dates are in UT unless otherwise noted. If you know of any others, please tell me!

Image CreditDateMagFilterComments
Koichi Itagaki 2024/03/24.674Discovery
Katsumi Yoshimoto 2024/03/25.099
Eliot Herman 2024/03/27.208
Toshihide Noguchi 2024/03/27.42015.5C
Fabio Briganti 2024/03/27.86815.2C
Fabio Feijo 2024/03/28.06415.3C
Brian Kendrick 2024/03/28.20915.0C
Klaus Wenzel 2024/03/28.83314.9CV
John Stevenson 2024/03/29.582
Odd Trondal 2024/03/29.892
Massimo Marchini 2024/03/30.339
Achim Sucker 2024/04/01.84615.1V
Gregor Krannich 2024/04/02.27815.1V
Manfred Simon 2024/04/02.89314.9C
Marie Newnham 2024/04/04.994C
Carlos Segarra 2024/04/06.01214.9G
Kym Thalassoudis 2024/04/06.49815.3V
Enrico Prosperi 2024/04/06.86515.0G
Maciek Jarmoc 2024/04/06.988Cfacebook
Robert Cazilhac 2024/04/09.958Cfacebook
Manfred Mrotzek 2024/04/10.869C
Seraphin Feller 2024/04/12.000C
Rafa Ferrando 2024/04/12.86215.3Gfacebook
Enrico Prosperi 2024/04/12.84415.1G
Klemens Waldhör 2024/04/22.525Cfull moon
Balazs Benei 2024/04/27.916C
Enrico Prosperi 2024/04/29.82015.3G
Stathis Kafalis 2024/05/01.00015.4Ccolor
Simone Bolzoni 2024/05/02.126C
Richard Hill 2024/05/03.912Cfacebook
Odd Trondal 2024/05/09.09415.0Rcolor
Zlatko Orbanic 2024/05/10.83715.4r
Simone Bolzoni 2024/05/14.136C
Grup Supernoves l'Astronòmica de Sabadell 2024/05/24.93915.3R mirror
Enrico Prosperi 2024/05/25.89015.4G
Didac Mesa Roueu 2024/06/04.000Cfacebook
Carlos Segarra 2024/06/04.88315.6G
Gianluca Masi 2024/06/06.89614.8R
Jose Carrillo 2024/06/09.000C
Carlos Segarra 2024/06/25.89015.5Gfacebook
Grup Supernoves l'Astronòmica de Sabadell 2024/06/28.90015.4R

Light curves and Spectra:

If you have observations of this Supernova, please send them to vsnet-obs

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David Bishop