Bright Supernovae - 2024

This data comes from IAU Circulars and occasionally more data will be provided on IAU's Astronomical Headlines page. An archive of the 2024 updates to this page is available.

This is a partial list of the SN discovered in 2024. Since 2024 is still ongoing, please look at the main page for the latest data.   In previous years I tried to keep the yearly archive alphabetically sorted by TNS supernova name.   Since that is no longer applicable, I am sorting this archive by "first observed" date, which I have listed as the discovery date.   If you are looking for a specific object then you can use the format "<a href=”index.html#2024xx>2024xx</a>" to find a specific object. Note that Extra galactic Novae have been moved to a special Extra galactic novae page.   Mistakes (Galactic variables, asteroids, unconfirmed, etc) are in the boneyard.   I also maintain an archive of the updates.

2024nnu (= ASASSN-24ei) (= ATLAS24jtd), TNS discovered 2024/07/01.530 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 605 at R.A. = 01h35m02s.363, Decl. = +41°14'53".57
Located 0".1 east and 0".3 north of the center of NGC 605
Mag 15.6:7/1, Type Ia (z=0.017) (zhost=0.017048) (References: ATEL 16754)

2024muv (= ZTF24aatbpbr) (= ATLAS24jvq) (= BGEM J124902.45-083951.2), TNS discovered 2024/06/26.190 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 4699 at R.A. = 12h49m02s.452, Decl. = -08°39'51".19
Located 3".3 east and 2".3 north of the center of NGC 4699 (Eliot Herman image) (Enrico Prosperi image too close to the bulge)
Mag 12.7:7/1, Type Ia (zhost=0.004650) (References: AstroNote 2024-169, ZTF observations; SN 1983K, 1948A)

AT2024muh (= ASASSN-24dz), TNS discovered 2024/06/24.920 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 6730 at R.A. = 19h07m34s.394, Decl. = -68°54'45".43
Located 4".0 east and 0".7 north of the center of NGC 6730 (Eliot Herman image)
Mag 15.1:6/24, Type unknown (zhost=0.014330)

2024mpq (= ATLAS24jjr) (= PS24fhp), TNS discovered 2024/06/24.519 by ATLAS
Found in MCG +6-49-27 at R.A. = 22h30m41s.062, Decl. = +39°17'30".21
Located 0".6 west and 0".7 south of the center of MCG +6-49-27 (Achim Sucker image) (Stig Foss image)
Mag 15.7:6/27, Type Ia (z=0.017) (zhost=0.016835) (References: AstroNote 2024-167; SN ASASSN-15oh)

2024kce (= ZTF24aaqaroi) (= Gaia24byd), TNS discovered 2024/06/02.195 by ATLAS
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 12h29m49s.556, Decl. = +08°12'48".49
Located 7".1 west and 12".5 south of the center of the host galaxy (Enrico Prosperi image bad image) (Nicolas Delaunoy image facebook) (Enrico Prosperi image (Wide field)) (Carlos Segarra image) (Carlos Segarra image facebook) (Achim Sucker image) (Grup Supernoves l'Astronòmica de Sabadell image)
Mag 15.9:7/21 (13.6:6/12), Type Ia-pec (z=0.003) (Note: near M49) (References: ATEL 16643, AstroNote 2024-148, AstroNote 2024-152, AstroNote 2024-156, TNS, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2024jhm (= ATLAS24hrt) (= ZTF24aaqasqh) (= Gaia24boq), TNS discovered 2024/05/25.209 by ATLAS
Found in IC 2810 at R.A. = 11h25m43s.990, Decl. = +14°40'26".08
Located 15".4 west and 9".6 south of the center of IC 2810 (Enrico Prosperi image bad image) (Marie Newnham image) (Fabio Feijo image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Carlos Segarra image)
Mag 16.2:6/16 (16.2:6/3), Type Ia (z=0.04) (zhost=0.034013) (References: AstroNote 2024-145, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2024iss (= GOTO24bmf) (= ZTF24aankvcy) (= ATLAS24hhy) (= Gaia24bot), TNS discovered 2024/05/12.901 by GOTO
Found in LEDA 1846725 at R.A. = 12h59m06s.133, Decl. = +28°48'42".62
Located 4".2 west and 0".0 south of the center of LEDA 1846725 (Gianluca Masi image)
Mag 14.7:7/5 (13.2:5/31), Type II (zhost=0.003334) (References: AstroNote 2024-128, AstroNote 2024-130, AstroNote 2024-131, AstroNote 2024-134, ATEL 16624, 16632, 16662, 16712, ZTF Observations, ALerce observations, Atnaries observations, Gaia observations)
2024iss images sub-page

2024inv (= ZTF24aamtvxb) (= ATLAS24hcs) (= GOTO24csk) (= Gaia24bvw), TNS discovered 2024/05/10.276 by ALeRCE
Found in NGC 3524 at R.A. = 11h06m32s.160, Decl. = +11°22'42".38
Located 0".8 east and 24".9 south of the center of NGC 3524 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 14.8:7/14 (12.1:6/1), Type Ia (zhost=0.004483) (References: TNS, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)
2024inv images sub-page

AT2024hwo, TNS discovered 2024/05/02.439 by Stu Parker
Found in ESO 511-G042 at R.A. = 14h28m15s.300, Decl. = -23°52'13".00
Located 16".9 east and 9".9 north of the center of ESO 511-G042 (John Stevenson image facebook unconfirmed)
Mag 16.6:5/2, Type unknown (zhost=0.023853)

2024hsq (= ASASSN-24cv), TNS discovered 2024/05/01.260 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 4730 at R.A. = 09h01m58s.402, Decl. = +60°09'06".98
Located 0".1 east and 0".8 north of the center of UGC 4730 (Klemens Waldhör image)
Mag 15.3:5/1, Type Ia (zhost=0.011134)

AT2024hix, TNS discovered 2024/04/27.823 by Witold Caban
Found in NGC 5653 at R.A. = 14h30m09s.000, Decl. = +31°12'55".00
Located 18".2 west and 0".8 south of the center of NGC 5653
Mag 18.8:4/27, Type unknown

2024gzk (= ZTF19abgbbzy), TNS discovered 2024/04/12.349 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in NGC 3690 at R.A. = 11h28m32s.397, Decl. = +58°33'44".08 (= Arp 299)
Located 0".8 east and 1".1 north of the center of NGC 3690 (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.5:5/27 (16.2:4/22), Type IIb (zhost=0.010300) (References: AstroNote 2024-121, ZTF observations; SN 2023wrk, 2022gnp, 2020fkb, 2019lqo, AT2018mel 2018lrd, 2010P, 2010O, 2005U, 1999D, 1998T, 1993G, 1992bu, PSN J11283070+5833456)
2023wrk and 2024gzk images sub-page

2024gqf (= SNhunt465) (= ZTF24aakajtn), TNS discovered 2024/04/15.466 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, M. Mazzucato, and Mirco Villi
Found in NGC 6646 at R.A. = 18h29m35s.784, Decl. = +39°51'14".76
Located 34".0 west and 39".7 south of the center of NGC 6646 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image) (Marie Newnham image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Klaus Wenzel image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Nicolas Dalaunoy image facebook) (Rafael Benavides image) (Enrico Prosperi image uncertain)
Mag 17.9:5/27 (15.6:4/30), Type Ia (zhost=0.019227) (References: ZTF observations)

AT2024ggn (= ASASSN-24co) (= ATLAS24ftu) (= Gaia24btb), TNS discovered 2024/04/11.080 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 58-G11 at R.A. = 06h42m52s.445, Decl. = -71°47'59".02
Located 3".9 east and 5".4 south of the center of ESO 58-G11
Mag 17.6:6/6 (16.0:4/13), Type unknown (zhost=0.014223) (References: Gaia observations)

2024eyo (= ATLAS24ein), TNS discovered 2024/03/25.390 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 285-G48 at R.A. = 20h44m37s.597, Decl. = -45°58'51".79
Located 27".3 west and 9".2 south of the center of ESO 285-G48 (Massimo Marchini)
Mag 16.2:6/1 (13.1:3/26), Type Ia (z=0.009) (zhost=0.009073) (References: AstroNote 2024-86)
2024eyo images sub-page

2024exw (= ATLAS24ekc) (= MASTER OT J121327.38+144640.0) (= ZTF24aahszxf) (= PS24bpn) (= Gaia24byb), TNS discovered 2024/03/24.674 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 4192A at R.A. = 12h13m27s.361, Decl. = +14°46'40".37 (= UGC 7223)
Located 15".8 east and 21".1 north of the center of NGC 4192A (Massimo Marchini image color)
Mag 16.1:7/20 (14.9:4/2), Type II (z=0.007) (zhost=0.006921) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)
2024exw images sub-page

2024ehs (= ATLAS24dqq) (= MASTER OT J105300.65+173422.3) (= ZTF24aahgqwk), TNS discovered 2024/03/15.470 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 3443 at R.A. = 10h53m00s.536, Decl. = +17°34'21".40
Located 5".7 east and 3".6 south of the center of NGC 3443 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.7:6/3 (14.3:4/4), Type II (z=0.003776) (References: AstroNote 2024-78, AstroNote 2024-82, AstroNote 2024-85, ZTF observations)
2024ehs images sub-page

AT2024efx (= SNhunt464), TNS discovered 2024/03/13.297 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, M. Mazzucato, and Mirco Villi
Found in NGC 3728 at R.A. = 11h33m18s.240, Decl. = +24°26'00".24
Located 33".6 east and 48".6 south of the center of NGC 3728 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.9:3/13, Type unknown (zhost=0.023000)

2024efn (= SNhunt463) (= ATLAS24dqr) (= MASTER OT J174355.91+364828.4) (= ZTF24aaheedw) (= Gaia24bhu), TNS discovered 2024/03/12.496 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, M. Mazzucato, and Mirco Villi
Found in NGC 6433 at R.A. = 17h43m55s.915, Decl. = +36°48'27".93
Located 3".5 west and 27".7 north of the center of NGC 6433 (Discovery image) (Marie Newnham image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Odd Trondal image) (Tomasz Lewandowski image facebook) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Jacques Ruel image facebook) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Rafa Ferrando image facebook) (Rafa Ferrando image)
Mag 18.2:5/16 (15.9:4/6), Type Ia (zhost=0.025074) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2024ech (= ASASSN-24bv) (= ATLAS24dmd) (= ZTF24aahaajg), TNS discovered 2024/03/09.610 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in UGC 9659 at R.A. = 15h01m49s.272, Decl. = +04°55'57".54
Located 1".7 east and 1".4 north of the center of UGC 9659
Mag 18.7:4/19 (16.9:3/19), Type Ia (z=0.035) (zhost=0.035373) (References: ZTF observations)

2024drv (= ATLAS24dct) (= PS24bhs) (= ZTF24aahiabd) (= AT2024dtc) (= MASTER OT J133828.03+330655.5) (= Gaia24boy), TNS discovered 2024/03/02.513 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 8630 at R.A. = 13h38m27s.857, Decl. = +33°06'55".72
Located 37".4 east and 8".1 south of the center of UGC 8630 (Nicolas Delaunoy image) (John Stevenson image) (Jacques Ruel image facebook) (Odd Trondal image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Rafa Ferrando image facebook) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Ken'ichi Nishimura image) (Carlos Segarra image facebook) (Carlos Segarra image)
Mag 19.0:6/23 (15.6:3/19), Type II (zhost=0.008132) (References: AstroNote 2024-61, TNS 2024dtc, ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2024dru (= ATLAS24dcs) (= ZTF24aagzayv), TNS discovered 2024/03/02.240 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 1122 at R.A. = 02h52m51s.089, Decl. = +42°12'21".51
Located 1".2 west and 3".4 north of the center of NGC 1122 (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 16.7:3/21 (15.9:3/5), Type Ia (zhost=0.012005) (References: ZTF observations; SN 2016fqr)

2024drt (= ATLAS24dcr) (= ZTF24aagmhtq), TNS discovered 2024/03/02.486 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 4619 at R.A. = 12h41m44s.715, Decl. = +35°03'55".92
Located 2".0 east and 10".0 north of the center NGC 4619 (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Marie Newnham image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image) (Achim Sucker image) (Nicolas Delaunoy image) (Nikola Antonov image) (Nikola Antonov image) (Nicolas Delaurnoy image facebook)
Mag 19.9:5/14 (14.9:3/14), Type II (z=0.023093) (References: ZTF observations; SN 2006ac)

2024dop (= ASASSN-24bm) (= ZTF24aagtgln), TNS discovered 2024/03/02.390 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 5036 at R.A. = 13h14m43s.198, Decl. = -04°10'32".48
Located 5".3 east and 10".4 north of the center of NGC 5036 (John Stevenson image) (Fabio Feijo image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Odd Trondal image) (Klemens Waldhör image) (Jacques Ruel image facebook)
Mag 18.3:4/12 (14.5:3/18), Type Ia (zhost=0.023093) (References: ZTF observations)

2024dlk (= PSP24M) (= Gaia24azs) (= ATLAS24dcp) (= ZTF24aagwnen), TNS discovered 2024/02/29.607 by ATLAS
Found in UGC 2526 at R.A. = 03h05m46s.680, Decl. = +36°46'34".93
Located 39".9 east and 35".3 south of the center of UGC 2526 (Jacques Ruel image facebook) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 15.8:3/23 (15.6:3/19), Type Ia (zhost=0.016575) (References: Gaia observations, ZTF observations; SN 2005ek)

AT2024dli (= ASASSN-24bj), TNS discovered 2024/02/29.020 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 114-G19 at R.A. = 02h01m45s.108, Decl. = -58°22'48".29
Located 2".9 west and 10".3 south of the center of ESO 114-G19 (John Stevenson image) (Fabio Feijo image)
Mag 16.3:2/29, Type unknown (zhost=0.022209)

2024dgn (= ATLAS24cvv) (= MASTER OT J192804.77-385453.1), TNS discovered 2024/02/26.376 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 6794 at R.A. = 19h28m04s.893, Decl. = -38°54'52".59
Located 11".8 east and 15".2 north of the center of NGC 6794 (Marie Newnham image)
Mag 15.7:2/26, Type Ia (z=0.020077) (References: AstroNote 2024-58)

AT2024czn (= ATLAS24cps) (= Gaia24aum), TNS discovered 2024/02/18.025 by ATLAS
Found in LEDA 902920 at R.A. = 02h40m41s.810, Decl. = -16°04'06".35
Located 0".4 east and 11".6 south of the center of LEDA 902920 (Marie Newnham image)
Mag 16.3:3/2, Type unknown (References: Gaia observations)

2024cld (= GOTO24ql) (= ATLAS24clv) (= Gaia24avs) (= ZTF24aahnklb) (= PS24cbo), TNS discovered 2024/02/13.228 by GOTO
Found in NGC 6004 at R.A. = 15h50m21s.556, Decl. = +18°56'20".22
Located 15".8 west and 0".3 south of the center of NGC 6004 (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 17.2:7/9 (14.8:3/8), Type II (z=0.014) (zhost=0.012776) (References: AstroNote 2024-48, AstroNote 2024-49, Gaia observations, SN PSN J15502534+1856075)
2024cld images sub-page

2024chx (= ATLAS24clf) (= ZTF24aaemydm) (= MASTER OT J095428.45-183810.9) (= PS24aqv) (= Gaia24btw), TNS discovered 2024/02/12.256 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 3052 at R.A. = 09h54m28s.512, Decl. = -18°38'10".86
Located 8".3 east and 9".1 north of the center of NGC 3052 (Fabio Feijo image) (Kym Thalassoudis image) (John Stevenson image) (Kym Thalassoudis image) (Damian Peach image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Achim Sucker image) (Enrico Prosperi image bad image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Richard Hill image facbook)
Mag 17.8:5/15 (15.4:3/4), Type II (z=0.012602) (References: Gaia observations, ZTF observations)

2024byg (= ASASSN-24ax) (= ATLAS24ccx) (= PS24atr) (= Gaia24blv), TNS discovered 2024/02/08.550 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in MCG -1-33-30 at R.A. = 12h51m53s.834, Decl. = -04°34'24".78
Located 2".7 west and 12".4 north of the center of MCG -1-33-30 (Fabio Feijo image) (Odd Trondal image) (Marie Newnham image) (ATLAS image) (Adriano Squecco image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Adriano Squecco image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Jacques Ruel image facebook)
Mag 17.3:5/29 (16.0:2/15), Type II (z=0.009) (zhost=0.008800) (References: AstroNote 2024-47, Gaia observations)

2024btj (= PSP24K) (= Gaia24apq) (= ZTF24aaejecr) (= PS24baj) (= ATLAS24bzr), TNS discovered 2024/02/05.964 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 3780 at R.A. = 11h39m14s.350, Decl. = +56°15'38".09
Located 66".7 west and 36".3 south of the center of NGC 3780 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.8:5/16 (16.2:3/20), Type II (zhost=0.007976) (References: AstroNote 2024, Gaia observations, ZTF observations; SN 1992bt, 1978H)
2024btj images sub-page

AT2024bqm (= ASASSN-24aw) (= Gaia24apb), TNS discovered 2024/02/05.080 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in KUG 0132-199 at R.A. = 01h34m29s.352, Decl. = -19°38'58".78
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of KUG 0132-199 (John Stevenson image)
Mag 17.3:2/5, Type unknown (zhost=0.042806) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2024bdp (= ASASSN-24as), TNS discovered 2024/01/27.130 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in MCG -1-4-11 at R.A. = 01h11m38s.359, Decl. = -03°20'42".36
Located 0".8 west and 1".9 south of the center of MCG -1-4-11
Mag 16.5:1/27, Type unknown (zhost=0.017936)

2024bch (= ATLAS24bmx) (= PS24aap) (= GOTO24hm) (= Gaia24bdk) (= MASTER OT J102149.74+565540.4), TNS discovered 2024/01/29.252 by Patrick Wiggins
Found in NGC 3206 at R.A. = 10h21m49s.742, Decl. = +56°55'40".52
Located 21".3 east and 13".4 south of the center of NGC 3206 (Damian Peach image)
Mag 16.2:5/24 (13.8:2/17), Type IIn (zhost=0.003839) (References: ATEL 16443, Gaia observations)
2024bch images sub-page

2024apt (= ATLAS24bgm) (= GOTO24fk) (= ZTF24aadkwol) (= MASTER OT J102536.87-021239.0) (= MASTER OT J102536.89-021238.7) (= PS24ami), TNS discovered 2024/01/22.241 by ATLAS
Found in IC 609 at R.A. = 10h25m36s.878, Decl. = -02°12'39".29
Located 21".5 east and 15".1 north of the center of IC 609 (Marie Newnham image) (Fabio Feijo image) (Kym Thalassoudis image) (Markus Bütikofer image color) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Jacques Ruel image facebook)
Mag 18.9:5/15 (15.3:2/10), Type Ia (z=0.018503) (References: AstroNote 2024-28, TNS, ZTF observations)

2024any (= ATLAS24bdf) (= Gaia24aog) (= ZTF24aadmaqm), TNS discovered 2024/01/19.354 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 1222 at R.A. = 03h08m57s.837, Decl. = -02°56'45".82
Located 16".4 east and 32".6 north of the center of NGC 1222 (John Stevenson image)
Mag 14.2:2/24 (12.7:2/6), Type Ia (z=0.0082) (zhost=0.008079) (References: AstroNote 2024-27, Gaia observations, ZTF observations)
2024any images sub-page

2024ana (= ATLAS24bay) (= PS24oc) (= ZTF24aaeebuz), TNS discovered 2024/01/18.499 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 4850 at R.A. = 12h58m22s.601, Decl. = +27°57'57".92
Located 10".1 east and 5".9 south of the center of NGC 4850 (Enrico Prosperi image) (ATLAS image) (Odd Trondal image) (Enrico Prosperi image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Nick Haigh image color)
Mag 19.5:3/19 (16.2:1/21), Type Ia (zhost=0.02005) (References: AstroNote 2024-25, ZTF observations)

2024akh (= ATLAS24baj) (= Gaia24bnj), TNS discovered 2024/01/17.206 by ATLAS
Found in IC 1528 at R.A. = 00h05m04s.836, Decl. = -07°05'46".97
Located 8".4 west and 10".6 south of the center of IC 1528 (ATLAS image) (Jacques Ruel image facebook)
Mag 18.5:5/27 (16.3:1/17), Type II (z=0.012699) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2020izc)

2024ahv (= PS24vc) (= ATLAS24baw) (= ZTF24aaczfve) (= MASTER OT J161846.38+072445.3), TNS discovered 2024/01/16.852 by Hidehiko Okoshi
Found in NGC 6106 at R.A. = 16h18m46s.310, Decl. = +07°24'44".84
Located 12".4 west and 6".0 north of the center of NGC 6106 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.2:5/16 (15.2:2/14), Type Ib (zhost=0.004833) (References: ZTF observations)
2024ahv images sub-page

2024yu (= ASASSN-24ak), TNS discovered 2024/01/13.270 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 07h39m58s.526, Decl. = -76°04'32".34
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 17.4:1/13, Type Ia (z=0.035) (zhost=0.034557) (References: AstroNote 2024-18)

2024ws (= ZTF24aabsmvc) (= ATLAS24bax) (= PS24nv) (= Gaia24aqe), TNS discovered 2024/01/12.586 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 2550A at R.A. = 08h28m46s.701, Decl. = +73°45'08".54
Located 28".4 east and 15".9 north of the center of NGC 2550A (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Andrea Mantero image) (Rafa Ferrando image facebook) (Kunihiro Shima image facebook) (Nikola Antonov image facebook) (Jordi Camarasa image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Carlos Segarra image facebook) (Carlos Segarra image) (Damian Peach image color wow) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 17.9:2/5 (17.0:1/13), Type II (z=0.012) (zhost=0.012125) (References: Gaia observations; SN 2008P)

2024wp (= SNhunt462) (= ATLAS24ats) (= PS24ns) (= ZTF24aabppgn), TNS discovered 2024/01/11.441 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, M. Mazzucato, and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 6424 at R.A. = 11h24m39s.244, Decl. = +14°56'52".95
Located 15".8 west and 5".7 north of the center of UGC 6424 (Discovery image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Jaquex Puel image facebook)
Mag 18.6:1/21, Type II (zhost=0.013864)

2024we (= ASASSN-24ag) (= Gaia24ahp) (= ATLAS18whp) (= PS24pn), TNS discovered 2024/01/11.110 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 7735 at R.A. = 23h42m17s.086, Decl. = +26°13'54".98
Located 2".8 west and 1".5 north of the center of NGC 7735 (Enrico Prosperi image) (Jacques Ruel image facebook)
Mag 17.1:1/17 (17.0:1/11), Type Ia (z=0.032) (zhost=0.032009) (References: Gaia observations)

2024vs (= PSP24B) (= ZTF24aabpzuz) (= ATLAS24azr) (= Gaia24aqf), TNS discovered 2024/01/10.891 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in KUG 0745+730 at R.A. = 07h51m07s.283, Decl. = +72°57'57".45
Located 3".0 east and 1".8 north of the center of KUG 0745+730 (Discovery image) (Giancarlo Cortini image) (Odd Trondal image) (ATLAS image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Rafael Benavides image)
Mag 17.2:2/17 (16.5:1/11), Type II (z=0.01) (Robin Leadbeater spectrum) (References: ZTF observations, Gaia observations)

2024jz (= ATLAS24ahj) (= Gaia24ahm) (= GOTO24fa) (= ZTF24aaarwvd), AstroNote 2024-7 discovered 2024/01/05.641 by ATLAS
Found in IC 1125 at R.A. = 15h33m04s.830, Decl. = -01°37'30".58
Located 11".7 west and 11".1 north of the center IC 1125 (Marie Newnham image) (Fabio Feijo image) (Klemens Waldhör image) (ATLAS image) (Manfred Mrotzek image)
Mag 18.9:5/16 (14.9:1/18), Type Ia (z=0.0093) (zhost=0.009330) (References: TNS, Gaia observations, ZTF observations)

2024gy (= AT2023acjv) (= ZTF24aaaiocv) (= AT2024ix) (= ASASSN-24ac) (= PSN J12155131+1306561) (= ATLAS24aiq) (= GOTO24J) (= MASTER OT J121551.27+130656.8) (= PS24gf), TNS discovered 2024/01/04.678 by Koichi Itagaki
Found in NGC 4216 at R.A. = 12h15m51s.310, Decl. = +13°06'56".10
Located 45".7 west and 121".7 south of the center of NGC 4216 (Damian Peach image)
Mag 17.3:6/27 (12.8:1/17), Type Ia (zhost=0.001183) (References: AstroNote 2024-6, ZTF observations, CBAT TOCP)
2024gy images sub-page

AT2024en (= ASASSN-24aa) (= ZTF19adaiqqr) (= ATLAS23ybx), TNS discovered 2024/01/03.580 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in IC 1143 at R.A. = 15h30m55s.402, Decl. = +82°27'20".64
Located 3".7 west and 0".1 south of the center of IC 1143
Mag 16.6:1/19 (16.4:1/6), Type unknown (zhost=0.021615) (References: ZTF observations)

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