Bright Supernovae - 2021

This data comes from IAU Circulars and occasionally more data will be provided on IAU's Astronomical Headlines page. An archive of the 2021 updates to this page is available.

This is a partial list of the SN discovered in 2021. Since 2021 is still ongoing, please look at the main page for the latest data.   In previous years I tried to keep the yearly archive alphabetically sorted by CBAT supernova name.   Since that is no longer applicable, I am sorting this archive by "first observed" date, which I have listed as the discovery date.   Note that Extra galactic Novae have been moved to a special Extra galactic novae page.   Mistakes (Galactic variables, asteroids, unconfirmed, etc) are in the boneyard.   I also maintain an archive of the updates.

2021ahot (= ASASSN-21wm) (= Gaia22ade) (= ATLAS18bcni) (= ZTF18aanlyba), ATEL 15167 discovered 2021/12/30.520 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an LEDA 2156782 at R.A. = 16h26m36s.664, Decl. = +39°51'31".07
Located 0".1 east and 0".1 south of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 19.2:3/1, Type Ia (z=0.031) (zhost=0.031358) (References: TNS, Gaia observations, ZTF observations)

AT2021ahop (= GSNST-22aa), TNS discovered 2021/12/28.051 by GSNST
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h53m35s.030, Decl. = +57°25'42".14
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy
Mag 19.7:12/28, Type unknown (zhost=0.787000)

2021ahmz (= ASASSN-21wl), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/31.490 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in CGCG 009-083 at R.A. = 10h34m50s.658, Decl. = +00°40'34".73
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of CGCG 009-083 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:12/31, Type Ia (zhost=0.032035) (References: TNS)

2021agvd (= ASASSN-21wi), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/29.180 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h02m17s.224, Decl. = -49°40'56".52
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:12/29, Type Ia (z=0.05) (References: AstroNote 2022-12, TNS)

2021agrt (= ASASSN-21wh), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/29.430 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 10h05m36s.207, Decl. = +14°33'37".42
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.6:12/29, Type Ia (zhost=0.029862) (References: TNS)

2021agpf (= ATLAS21bnoc), TNS discovered 2021/12/26.624 by ATLAS
Found in NGC 5732 at R.A. = 14h40m37s.708, Decl. = +38°37'56".31
Located 14".6 west and 19".8 south of the center of NGC 5732 (Odd Trondal image) (Klaus Wenzel image) (Simone Bolzoni image) (Øyvind Kristiansen image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Zlatko Orbanic image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Manfred Mrotzek image) (Nicole Ruel Jacques Bérard image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Rafael Benavides image)
Mag 17.2:4/30 (14.5:1/4), Type Ia (zhost=0.012590) (References: Gaia observations)

2021agpj (= ASASSN-21wg) (= ATLAS22ahc) (= PS22aii) (= Gaia22arf), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/27.330 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in 2MFGC 03677 at R.A. = 04h31m03s.885, Decl. = -03°24'40".10
Located 12".2 west and 1".0 north of the center of 2MFGC 03677 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.8:2/17 (15.5:1/4), Type Ia (z=0.017) (zhost=0.015221) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2021-322, Gaia observations)
2021agpj images sub-page

2021agmw (= ASASSN-21wf) (= Gaia22amg), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/23.040 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 119-G49 at R.A. = 05h14m43s.431, Decl. = -61°11'20".97
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 119-G49 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.0:12/23, Type Ia (z=0.031) (zhost=0.030718) (References: TNS, AstroNote 2021-321, Gaia observations)

AT2021agmv (= ASASSN-21we) (= Gaia22aex), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/23.090 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 28-G1 at R.A. = 23h43m19s.461, Decl. = -72°34'13".81
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 28-G1 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.3:1/29 (16.5:12/23), Type unknown (zhost=0.028860) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2021aggv (= JVAR21a), TNS discovered 2021/12/13.056 by Vázquez Ramió
Found in CGCG 180-023 at R.A. = 08h58m32s.762, Decl. = +37°05'09".66
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of CGCG 180-023 (Discovery image) (Odd Trondal image)
Mag 18.6:12/13, Type unknown (zhost=0.0.042876)

2021agep (= ASASN-21wa) (= Gaia21ftv) (= PS21ngf) (= ZTF22aaagrlj), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/09.220 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h39m10s.413, Decl. = +01°08'36".24
Located 2".4 west and 0".2 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image) (Gregor Krannich image) (Nick Haigh image) (Enrico Prosperi image)
Mag 18.9:2/14 (16.0:1/1), Type Ia (z=0.020) (zhost=0.020522) (References: TNS, Gaia observations, ALERCE observations, ZTF observations)

2021agee (= ASASS-21vz) (= Gaia22aij), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/09.340 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 575-G43 at R.A. = 12h59m45s.962, Decl. = -22°10'23".30
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 575-G43 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:12/28 (16.8:12/9), Type Ia (z=0.022) (zhost=0.023173) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2021agdm (= MSOSSP_07) (= Gaia22aky), TNS discovered 2021/12/06.969 by Grzegorz Duszanowicz
Found in ESO 61-G8 at R.A. = 09h19m49s.524, Decl. = -68°54'32".85
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 61-G8 (Discovery image) (Grzegorz Duszanowicz image color)
Mag 16.8:12/6, Type II (z=0.0114) (zhost=0.011405) (References: AstroNote 2021-315, Gaia observations; SN 2015bj)

2021agdk (= ASASSN-21vw), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/05.181 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h01m20s.603, Decl. = -76°53'12".06
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:12/5, Type Ia (z=0.016) (zhost=0.017986) (References: AstroNote 2021-315, TNS)

2021agdd (= DLT21ag), TNS discovered 2021/12/07.152 by DLT40
Found in NGC 7446 at R.A. = 22h59m28s.720, Decl. = +39°04'48".51
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 7446 (Giancarlo Cortini image)
Mag 17.8:12/7, Type Ia (z=0.018)

AT2021agcr (= ASASSN-21vu), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/01.790 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 289-G32 at R.A. = 22h31m16s.425, Decl. = -46°28'55".84
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 289-G32 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:12/1, Type unknown (zhost=0.033530) (References: TNS)

AT2021agcf (= ASASSN-21vt) (= ATLAS21bniw), ATEL 15153 discovered 2021/12/04.350 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 13h36m21s.424, Decl. = -35°06'53".88
Located 7".8 east and 7".3 south of the center of host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 15.7:12/15 (14.9:12/4), Type unknown (zhost=0.014156) (References: TNS)

2021agco (= PSP21al) (= PSN J07281050+5830128) (= ATLAS21bnek), TNS discovered 2021/12/05.564 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in UGC 3855 at R.A. = 07h28m10s.500, Decl. = +58°30'12".80
Located 19".7 west and 11".3 south of the center of UGC 3855 (Andrea Mantero image) (Gianpiero Locatelli image) (Jordi Camarasa image)
Mag 18.0:12/10 (15.5:12/5), Type II (z=0.010564) (zhost=0.010401) (References: AstroNote 2021-311, CBAT TOCP)

2021afuq (= ASASN-21vr) (= ATLAS21bnur), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/12/02.280 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 3256 at R.A. = 10h27m52s.155, Decl. = -43°54'07".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 3256 (Discovery image) (Fabio Feijo image)
Mag 17.8:2/23 (16.0:12/2), Type Ic (z=0.009) (zhost=0.009354) (References: TNS; SN 2018ec, PSN J10275082-4354034 2001db)

AT2021aftb (= ASASSN-21vn) (= Gaia21fls), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/11/30.040 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 235-G33 at R.A. = 21h00m50s.173, Decl. = -48°36'37".58
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 235-G33 (Discovery image)
Mag 16.5:11/30, Type unknown (zhost=0.024210) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2021afsj (= Gaia21flf) (= ZTF21acqstfo) (= ATLAS21bnei), TNS discovered 2021/11/29.718 by Shuji Tokuoka
Found in UGC 4671 at R.A. = 08h56m42s.418, Decl. = +52°06'28".83
Located 2".3 west and 9".2 north of the center of UGC 4671 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:2/23 (14.1:12/9), Type Ia (z=0.012238) (References: Gaia observations, ZTF observations; SN 2016bme)
2021afsj images sub-page

AT2021afsa (= ASASSN-21vl) (= Gaia21foi), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/11/27.131 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 566263 at R.A. = 01h42m02s.236, Decl. = -42°15'12".96
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 566263 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.7:12/14 (17.8:11/27), Type unknown (zhost=0.059300) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2021afrz (= ASASSN-21vk), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/11/26.137 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in ESO 52-G21 at R.A. = 02h05m56s.635, Decl. = -71°07'42".05
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of ESO 52-G21 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.0:11/26, Type unknown (zhost=0.027000) (References: TNS)

2021afry (= ASASSN-21vi) (= Gaia21fnb), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/11/24.075 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 06h04m23s.614, Decl. = -35°36'08".28
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:11/24, Type IIn (z=0.03319) (zhost=0.033190) (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2021afre (= ASASSN-21vg), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/11/29.300 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in an anonymous galaxy at R.A. = 02h47m13s.366, Decl. = +13°46'57".81
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the host galaxy (Discovery image)
Mag 17.9:11/29, Type Ia (z=0.055) (References: TNS)

AT2021afkn (= ASASSN-21ve) (= Gaia21fnh), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/11/24.036 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in PGC 425606 at R.A. = 01h33m20s.311, Decl. = -53°50'24".22
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of PGC 425606 (Discovery image)
Mag 18.4:11/24, Type unknown (References: TNS, Gaia observations)

2021afdx (= ATLAS21bmrf), TNS discovered 2021/11/23.308 by ATLAS
Found in ESO 350-G40 at R.A. = 00h37m42s.580, Decl. = -33°43'25".28 (= Cartwheel Galaxy)
Located 18".3 east and 26".5 south of the center of ESO 350-G40 (Grzegorz Duszanowicz image) (Rolando Lingustri image) (JWST image)
Mag 18.8:11/23, Type II (z=0.03) (References: AstroNote 2021-298, AstroNote 2022-155)

2021aeuq (= SNhunt438) (= Gaia22abh), TNS discovered 2021/11/15.210 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 2393 at R.A. = 02h55m54s.691, Decl. = +32°20'11".97
Located 12".6 east and 6".4 north of the center of UGC 2393 (Discovery image) (Claudio Balcon image)
Mag 20.2:2/22 (17.3:11/23), Type Ia (z=0.037676) (zhost=0.037700) (Claudio Balcon spectrum) (References: Gaia observations)

AT2021aetx (= SNhunt437), TNS discovered 2021/11/14.505 by Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey and Mirco Villi
Found in UGC 6053 at R.A. = 10h58m02s.904, Decl. = +06°02'43".08
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of UGC 6053 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.5:11/14, Type unknown (zhost=0.026200)

2021aetw (= ASASSN-21uz), ATEL 15082 discovered 2021/11/14.490 by All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN)
Found in NGC 4583 at R.A. = 12h38m04s.523, Decl. = +33°27'31".74
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of NGC 4583 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:11/14, Type Ia (z=0.023) (zhost=0.023003) (References: TNS)

2021aefx (= DLT21ae) (= MASTER OT J041953.41-545653.3) (= Gaia21fml), TNS discovered 2021/11/11.521 by DLT40
Found in NGC 1566 at R.A. = 04h19m53s.402, Decl. = -54°56'53".08
Located 61".2 west and 36".5 south of the center of NGC 1566 (Stan Howerton image)
Mag 16.0:2/24 (12.0:12/2), Type Ia (z=0.005) (References: AstroNote 2021-290, ATEL 15077, Gaia observations; SN 2010el, ASASSN-14ha)
2021aefx images sub-page