Much of this data comes from TNS, ATEL circulars and CBAT's Transient Objects Confirmation Page.   An archive of the updates to this page is available.

CBET has a naming convention now for novae in M31 (now extended to Novae in M33 and M81).   This convention is YYYY-MMa, where YYYY is the year and MM is the 2-digit month of discovery, and 'a' is a lower-case letter (a, b, c, etc.) representing the order of discovery within that month.   Novae in the Magellanic clouds are named with the year followed by a number.   Also, see W. Pietsch's M31 (apparent) optical nova catalogue, M33 novae catalog, and M81 novae catalog.   CBET has an M31 novae page, M33 novae page, and an M81 novae page (last updated in 2011).   Please note that I do not keep track of galactic novae.  


AT2024vfg (= ZTF24abhbdph), TNS discovered 2024/09/11.363 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in M33 at R.A. = 01h33m13s.122, Decl. = +30°38'27".48
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of the M33
Mag 19.5:9/11, Type unknown (References: ZTF observations)

Nova M31 2024-09b? (= PNV J00411779+4040482), CBAT TOCP discovered 2024/09/10.851 by unknown
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m17s.790, Decl. = +40°40'48".20
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of M31
Mag 19.4:9/10, Type unknown

AT2024vbj (= ZTF24abgmzkr), TNS discovered 2024/09/03.368 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h45m54s.564, Decl. = +42°08'33".88
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of M31
Mag 21.1:9/3, Type unknown (References: ZTF observations)

Nova M81 2024-08a? (= PNV J09551941+6909515), ATEL 16798 discovered 2024/08/30.113 by Kamil Hornoch et al.
Found in M81 at R.A. = 09h55m19s.410, Decl. = +69°09'51".50
Located 74".0 west and 356".0 north of the center of M81 (Discovery image)
Mag 20.4:8/30, Type unknown (References: CBAT TOCP)

AT2024ssq (= PNV J00430001+4100243), TNS discovered 2024/08/24.996 by Castellani, Andreoli and Belligoli (ISSP)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m59s.966, Decl. = +41°00'24".40
Located 176".7 east and 944".1 south of the center of M31 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.1:8/24, Type EGN (References: CBAT TOCP)

AT2024sgd (= Nova M33 2024-08a?) (= GEOTS-Balaji-2024-018) (= PNV J01340281+3042406), CBAT TOCP discovered 2024/08/15.373 by GEOTS
Found in M33 at R.A. = 01h34m02s.810, Decl. = +30°42'40".60
Located 153".8 east and 183".8 north of the center of M33 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.2:8/15, Type unknown

LMC V1341 (= LMCN 1968-12a), AAVSO 236393 discovered 1968/12/16.000 by unknown
Found in LMC at R.A. = 05h09m58s.390, Decl. = -71°39'52".70
Located 0".0 east and 0".0 north of the center of LMC
Mag 10.0:8/4/2024, Type Nova (Note: Recurrent nova) (References: ATEL 13731, 16752, 16771, 16772)

AT2024ryu (= PSP24T) (= M31N 2024-08d) (= PNV J00435777+4113357), TNS discovered 2024/08/11.800 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h43m57s.776, Decl. = +41°13'35".85
Located 829".0 east and 152".8 south of the center of M31 (Hornoch discovery image)
Mag 19.8:8/11, Type EGN (zhost=-0.001000) (References: ATEL 16768, CBAT TOCP)

AT2024rsq (= PNV J00444860+4142122), TNS discovered 2024/08/09.730 by Zhao
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m48s.600, Decl. = +41°42'12".20
Located 1396".5 east and 1563".7 north of the center of M31
Mag 20.1:8/9, Type unknown (zhost=-0.001004) (References: CBAT TOCP)

AT2024rnm (= PNV J00424486+4115420), TNS discovered 2024/08/06.142 by Zhao
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m44s.860, Decl. = +41°15'42".00
Located 6".2 east and 26".8 south of the center of M31 (Hornoch discovery image)
Mag 17.0:8/9, Type EGN (zhost=-0.001004) (References: ATEL 16770, ATEL 16758, CBAT TOCP)

AT2024rkz (= PNV J00424853+4120087), TNS discovered 2024/08/06.142 by Zhao
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m48s.530, Decl. = +41°20'08".70
Located 47".4 east and 240".2 north of the center of M31
Mag 18.3:8/9, Type unknown (zhost=-0.001004) (References: CBET 16764, CBAT TOCP)

AT2024qui (= PSP24S) (= PNV J00425185+4115512) (M31N 2024-07c), TNS discovered 2024/07/31.807 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m51s.850, Decl. = +41°15'51".20
Located 85".1 east and 17".1 south of the center of M31 (Discovery image) (Hornoch discovery imaeg)
Mag 18.2:8/5 (17.9:8/3), Type unknown (zhost=-0.001000) (Refereneces: AstroNote 2024-213, ATEL 16749, ATEL 16756, CBAT TOCP)

AT2024pwl (= ZTF23aaapxqa), TNS discovered 2024/07/20.360 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)
Found in M33 at R.A. = 01h34m15s.333, Decl. = +30°30'45".20
Located 315".6 east and 531".6 south of the center of M33
Mag 19.5:7/20, Type unknown (References: ZTF observations)

AT2024psn (= ATLAS24lnc) (= GOTO24dpz) TNS discovered 2024/07/18.256 by ATLAS
Found in M94 at R.A. = 12h50m37s.435, Decl. = +41°06'24".29
Located 176".6 west and 49".4 south of the center of M94 (ATLAS finder chart)
Mag 18.6:7/18, Type Nova (z=0.001027) (References: AstroNote 2024-198)

AT2024pns (= GEOTS-Balaji-2024-015) (= PNV J00443542+4109393), TNS discovered 2024/07/15.412 by GEOTS
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m35s.420, Decl. = +41°09'39".30
Located 1253".6 east and 389".2 south of the center of M31 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.3:7/15, Type unknown (References: ATEL 16721, ATEL 16713, CBAT TOCP)

AT2024pit (= PSP24R) (= PNV J00502546+4112413), TNS discovered 2024/07/12.872 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h50m25s.460, Decl. = +41°12'41".30
Located 5201".3 east and 207".2 south of the center of M31
Mag 18.2:7/12, Type unknown (zhost=-0.001000) (References: CBAT TOCP)

AT2024pid (= BGEM J004734.42-251926.3), TNS discovered 2024/07/12.348 by BlackGEM
Found in NGC 253 at R.A. = 00h47m34s.420, Decl. = -25°19'26".35
Located 17".6 east and 128".8 south of the center of NGC 253 (Discovery image facebook) (John Stevenson image facebook)
Mag 19.6:7/12, Type Nova (z=0.0008) (References: AstroNote 2024-194, TNS; SN 1940E)

AT2024pbp (= PNV J00424415+4116276), TNS discovered 2024/07/07.136 by Zhao
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m44s.150, Decl. = +41°16'27".60
Located 1".7 west and 19".6 north of the center of M31 (Hornoch discovery image)
Mag 17.5:7/9, Type unknown (zhost=-0.001004) (References: ATEL 16716, ATEL 16697, CBAT TOCP)

AT2024ozu (= GOTO24djw), TNS discovered 2024/07/05.181 by GOTO
Found in M33 at R.A. = 01h34m01s.965, Decl. = +30°39'28".42
Located 142".9 east and 8".4 south of the center of M33
Mag 18.5:7/5, Type EGV (z=0.001)

AT2024ncu (= PNV J00414000+4105204), CBAT TOCP discovered 2024/06/29.227 by Jingyuan Zhao
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m40s.000, Decl. = +41°05'20".40
Located 725".2 west and 648".0 south of the center of M31
Mag 17.5:6/29, Type unknown (zhost=-0.001004) (References: TNS)

AT2024nct (= PNV J00425070+4119381) (= Gaia24bwx), CBAT TOCP discovered 2024/06/29.227 by Jingyuan Zhao
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m50s.686, Decl. = +41°19'37".35
Located 71".9 east and 210".0 north of the center of M31
Mag 17.8:7/17, Type unknown (zhost=-0.001004) (References: ATEL 16716, TNS, Gaia observations)

AT2024lwy (= PSP24Q) (= PNV J00425282+4115251) (= Gaia24bww), TNS discovered 2024/06/20.878 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m52s.762, Decl. = +41°15'24".77
Located 96".0 east and 43".0 north of the center of M31 (Discovery image)
Mag 17.5:7/17, Type unknown (References: ATEL 16716, CBAT TOCP, Gaia observations)

AT2024koe (= PNV J00411745+4057552) (= TCP J00411745+4057552) (= GEOTS-Balaji-2024-008) (= M31N 2024-06a) (= MASTER OT J004117.44+405755.1) (= GOTO24cpo) (= ZTF24aarkxpy) , CBAT TOCP discovered 2024/06/08.412 by GEOTS
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h41m17s.496, Decl. = +40°57'54".89
Located 979".3 west and 1093".9 south of the center of M31 (Discovery image) (A. Valcheva image)
Mag 19.5:7/3 (16.2:6/12), Type unknown (References: ATEL 16647, ATEL 16653, ATEL 16657, TNS)

AT2022qpg (= PNV J00442079+4123111) (= M31N 2005-10a) (= ZTF22aazdzyj), TNS discovered 2022/08/04.954 by Italian Supernovae Search Project
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m20s.790, Decl. = +41°23'11".10
Located 31".5 east and 61".8 north of the center of M31 (UofT image) (Carlos Segarra image) (Rafa Ferrando image) (Claudio Balcon image) (Hornoch images) (Carlos Segarra image)
Mag 20.0:8/28 (16.5:8/6), Type EGN (Note: recurrent nova) (ASASSN light curve) (Claudio Balcon Spectrum) (References: ATEL 15545, ATEL 15558, CBAT TOCP, ZTF observations, AAVSO observations; Nova M31N 2005-10a)

AT2022zyr (= XM88MZ) (= PNV J00424719+4116196) (= M31N 2022-11b) (= PNV J00424726+4116335), TNS discovered 2022/11/12.526 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h42m47s.190, Decl. = +41°16'19".60
Located 32".3 east and 11".3 north of the center of M31 (Discovery image) (Hornoch Discovery image) (Joel Nicolas image unconfirmed)
Mag 18.8:11/26 (16.1:11/12), Type EGN (Note: Recurent Nova) (References: ATEL 15759, ATEL 15760, ATEL 15779, CBAT TOCP CBAT TOCP; Nova M31N 1984-11b, M31N 2012-09a)

AT2022fcy (= PSP22P) (= PNV J00441072+4154224) (= M31N 2022-03d) (= ZTF19acajeed) (= PNV J00441071+4154221), TNS discovered 2022/03/05.592 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS)
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h44m10s.720, Decl. = +41°54'22".40
Located 974".0 east and 2294".9 north of the center of M31 (Discovery image) (Hornoch image) (XOSS image)
Mag 18.4:8/7/2024 (17.7:3/5/2022), Type unknown (Note: Recurrent Nova) (References: ATEL 16759, ATEL 15729, CBAT TOCP, CBAT TOCP; = M31N 2017-01e)

Nova M31 2008-12a (= PTF09hsd) (= AT2023yvj) (= Nova M31 2011-10e?) (= PSP23R) (= TCP J00452884+4154095) (= Nova M31 2012-10a?), (= PNV J00452885+4154094), (= Nova M31 2011-10e?) (= PNV J00452888+4154097) (= PNV J00452883+4154096) ATEL 5607, discovered 2008/12/26.481 by Koichi Nishiyama and Fujio Kabashima
Found in M31 at R.A. = 00h45m28s.80, Decl. = +41°54'10".1
Located 1845".9 east and 2280".9 north of the center of NGC 224 (= M31) (Discovery image)
Mag 20.9:12/13 (15.91:10/2/2014), Type FeII (Note: Recurrent Nova) (References: See subpage)
Nova M31 2008-12a images subpage

archive.gif For Novae which have faded below 18th magnitude, you will have to look in the archives
Current supernovae Current Extragalactic Novae
Other Supernovae from 2024 Other Extragalactic Novae from 2024 Unconfirmed objects from 2024
Other Supernovae from 2023 Extragalactic Novae from 2023 Unconfirmed objects from 2023
Supernovae from 2022 Extragalactic Novae from 2022 Unconfirmed objects from 2022

For more information in Extra galactic novae, look at the Extra Galactic Nova links on the links page.   Look at the updates page for a list of the most recent changes and additions to these pages.

Please send feedback to David Bishop