Supernova Images index
On this web page you will find a list of all the images that have been e-mailed to me for the Bright Supernovae webpages. If an image already exist on a web site, I will usually just create a link to it. However for people who do not have web sites I will accept images which I will then publish on my pages (which I sometimes crop). It should be noted that these images were given to me for use on the web page with the understanding that the copyright remains with the person who originally took them. My thanks to all of the people who donated images. For a list of the best SN images I have found out on the net, please check my Best SN images on the net page.
Image naming conventions: Normally I name them after the galaxy they are in, like n3080s1.jpg would read as "NGC 3080 supernova image 1". That carries to the odder galaxy names. If CBET does not give me a name, then I use the first one that comes up in NED. Oddly many of the PGC galaxy names I see in wikisky are not in NED (which is supposed to have all of them). If the galaxy does not have a name, then I named it after the SN name, sn09df2.jpg as "supernova 2009df image 2". For these CSS (and other survey) galaxies, I don't have that name, so I went to this convention: a1447p0958s1.jpg as "anonymous galaxy at 14:47 +09d58 supernova image 1".
In 2012 Joseph Brimacombe purchased a Flickr account for me. Since that point most images sent to me have been loaded there.
Please see the Bright Supernovae webpage for a chronolical list of Supernova and images of them. I also have this list Sorted by author.
Supernovae in NGC and IC galaxies:
Uppsala galaxies
Other galaxy catalogs
ExtraGalactic Novae: