Supernova discovery statistics

This list of objects going back 18 months. If there are other statistics you are interested in, please let me know.
Page re-generated at: 2024/09/17.097 UT

For the years covered, 36046 supernovae and 110 extragalactic novae were reported.
3220 of these supernovae were named by CBAT,
32821 were given possible supernova designations,
and 5 were not reported to CBAT.
329 supernovae were found in NGC/IC galaxies, 22364 were found in named galaxies
255 objects were discovered by amateurs
8 were brighter than 13th Magnitude
164 were brighter than 16th Magnitude
1592 were brighter than 18th Magnitude
2480 Type I supernovae were found
  2272 Type Ia
    12 Type Ia-02cx
    29 Type Ia-91bg
    85 Type Ia-91T
    36 Type Ia-pec
  77 Type Ib
    15 Type Ibn
    6 Type Ib-pec
  90 Type Ic
    1 Type Icn
    29 Type Ic-pec
  35 Type SLSN-I
712 Type II supernovae were found
  88 Type IIn
  41 Type IIP
  50 Type IIb
  1 Type IIL
  10 Type SLSN-II
  2 Type II-pec
10 LBV (supernova impostors) were found
2730 were not supernovae or Extragalactic novae.
30075 were untyped
Of the 110 novae that were reported  23 were reported to CBAT and 87 were not
  1 were given official names by CBAT
  80 were found in M31
  5 were found in M81
  8 were found in M33
  73 were untyped

11224 objects were discovered by PS1 (prof) (AT2024vje)
7444 objects were discovered by ZTF (prof) (AT2024vkt)
5874 objects were discovered by ATLAS (prof) (AT2024vma)
4903 objects were discovered by ALeRCE (prof) (AT2024vme)
2699 objects were discovered by Gaia (prof) (AT2024vee)
 937 objects were discovered by GOTO (prof) (AT2024vlp)
 832 objects were discovered by DESIRT (prof) (AT2024dqw)
 405 objects were discovered by WFST (prof) (AT2024tst)
 340 objects were discovered by XOSS (AT2024vlc)
 288 objects were discovered by SGLF (prof) (AT2024vfb)
 212 objects were discovered by MASTER (prof) (AT2024vjd)
 204 objects were discovered by BlackGEM (prof) (AT2024vjm)
 197 objects were discovered by GW-MMADS (prof) (AT2024hhs)
 120 objects were discovered by ANTARES (prof) (AT2023aaaw)
  76 objects were discovered by ASAS-SN (prof) (2024vjb)
  66 objects were discovered by JWST (prof) (AT2024jfz)
  63 objects were discovered by Fink (prof) (AT2024vhx)
  44 objects were discovered by GEOTS (prof) (AT2024uxx)
  20 objects were discovered by CRTS (prof) (2024ixe)
  18 objects were discovered by Fritz (AT2024uap)
  18 objects were discovered by Kamil Hornoch et al. (Nova M81 2024-08a?)
  17 objects were discovered by MeerLICHT (prof) (AT2024dsy)
  12 objects were discovered by Koichi Itagaki (2024vfo)
   7 objects were discovered by Ahumada (AT2023ils)
   7 objects were discovered by DLT40 (prof) (2024pxg)
   7 objects were discovered by Italian Supernovae Search Project (AT2024ssq)
   7 objects were discovered by Jingyuan Zhao (AT2024ncu)
   7 objects were discovered by Pessi (AT2024vgg)
   7 objects were discovered by unknown (Nova M31 2024-09b?)
   6 objects were discovered by Konno (AT2024skj)
   5 objects were discovered by Jingyuan Zhao and Weihao Wang (AT2023wot)
   4 objects were discovered by GSNST (prof) (AT2024art)
   4 objects were discovered by Robert Fidrich (AT2023ync)
   4 objects were discovered by Zhao (AT2024rsq)
   3 objects were discovered by LAST (AT2024ppg)
   2 objects were discovered by Cacella (AT2023ozj)
   2 objects were discovered by Cornen (AT2024pzw)
   2 objects were discovered by Dumitru Ciprian (AT2023kdb)
   2 objects were discovered by Gianluca Masi (Nova M31 2023-10b?)
   2 objects were discovered by Hiroshi Okuno (AT2023zpf)
   2 objects were discovered by Mohammad Odeh (2023rve)
   2 objects were discovered by Perez-Fournon (AT2024vdo)
   2 objects were discovered by Stu Parker (AT2024pfn)
   1 objects were discovered by Castellani Flavio (AT2023yij)
   1 objects were discovered by Chen (AT2024gsa)
   1 objects were discovered by Chris Spratt (AT2023sqw)
   1 objects were discovered by Christopher Brownewell (AT2023deu)
   1 objects were discovered by Ederoclite (2024slh)
   1 objects were discovered by GIT (AT2023xvj)
   1 objects were discovered by Gruen (AT2024jbv)
   1 objects were discovered by Hidehiko Okoshi (2024ahv)
   1 objects were discovered by ILMT (AT2023yjc)
   1 objects were discovered by J-VAR (AT2024bxn)
   1 objects were discovered by KNTraP (AT2024qnv)
   1 objects were discovered by Kinder (AT2023yba)
   1 objects were discovered by LOSS (prof) (AT2016blu)
   1 objects were discovered by Patrick Wiggins (2024bch)
   1 objects were discovered by Rankin (AT2023gqg)
   1 objects were discovered by STSP (2024fxo)
   1 objects were discovered by Santos (AT2024gfb)
   1 objects were discovered by Taiga Sasaoka (2024iez)
   1 objects were discovered by Terwel (2024svu)
   1 objects were discovered by Witold Caban (AT2024hix)
   1 objects were discovered by Yuqing Ren, Jingyuan Zhao (AT2023ttu)

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